In the summer of 2020, J2ObjC's JRE emulation library (a fork of Android's libcore library ) was updated from Android Nougat to Android 10. The update consisted of adding new APIs, and updating the existing code. Apart from general functionality changes, one of the main goals of the update was to port new test cases to better verify that the JRE emulation library works correctly. While updating the java.time package, I came across a package containing approximately 15,000 new test cases written in TestNG. The problem? J2ObjC only supports JUnit. Instead of supporting both TestNG and JUnit, we decided to build testng2junit , a tool that converts TestNG tests to JUnit. How Can These Frame works be Mapped? To convert from TestNG to JUnit, we needed to determine where the two testing frameworks differed. Attempting to run the TestNG tests through the compiler gave us plenty of compile-time errors to sift through. These syntax errors, coupled with documentation from ...
TL;DR : it’s possible to handle Java-originating exceptions in Swift for j2objc -based projects. Scroll to the end for example code. It’s getting more common to call j2objc -generated Objective-C code from Swift as iOS development shifts to this modern language. At a high level, we can imagine this means calling Java code from Swift. But Objective-C is an important link in this chain and it shapes the way Swift interacts with the code that started its life as Java. j2objc does a great job of supporting Swift’s features when called with the --swift-friendly flag. This feature is particularly useful when the Java code is annotated with @Nonnull , @Nullable , and @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault to enforce Swift’s optionality at compile time and as you type in Xcode. But there’s one important Java feature that gets lost in translation on the way to Swift: exceptions. You might expect to catch Java exceptions from Swift like: do { // ...