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Breaking Retain Cycles with @Weak and Other Techniques

The runtime on iOS and macOS uses reference counting to manage memory. When two objects make strong references to each other, a retain cycle is formed. Consider a Document object that has a Header. The Document owns the Header, but often the Header is also modeled to have a document (or “parent”) field:

class Document {
  private final Header header = new Header(this);

class Header {
  private final Document document;
  Header(Document document) { this.document = document; }

If nothing breaks one of those two strong references (such as by setting one of them to null), a retain cycle is formed, and both objects will never be deallocated in a reference-counting system even after all outside references to any of them are gone. They therefore leak memory.
Retain cycles are something Objective-C and Swift programmers have to think about regularly. They are usually not of concern to Java programmers thanks to garbage collection, but when your Java program gets translated to Objective-C, you need to make sure that retain cycles are eventually broken to prevent memory leaks.
Our experiences show that the number of changes required to fit a Java program into the reference-counting model is usually small. J2ObjC also provides a number of tools to help you break retain cycles. Below is a list of the things that will be useful in your toolbox when working on a cross-platform project using J2ObjC:
  • Use the @Weak annotation to create a weak reference. A weak reference does not retain the referenced object, and the rule of thumb is to use that in the field that references the owner, or the longer-living, object. In the example above, since a document owns a header, you can use a weak reference in Header so that there will never be a retain cycle:

    class Header {
      @Weak private final Document document;

  • Use the @WeakOuter annotation for inner classes. In J2ObjC, every inner class (not to be confused with nested classes, the ones you declare with the static keyword) has an implicit reference to its outer class. By default, the reference is strong. If you create inner class instances that are retained by their outer class (such as for callback purposes), it’s likely you want to add the @WeakOuter annotation to the inner class to make the implicit outer reference weak:

    class SomeCallback {
      void foo() { OuterClass.this.doSomething(); }

  • Be careful with lambdas. If a lambda calls a method in your class or make references to a field, it implicitly captures this, and so it has the same issue as inner classes. You can’t add an annotation directly to a lambda, but you can use a temporary variable for that purpose. Here’s an example:

    void someMethod() {
      @WeakOuter SomeFunctionalInterface f;
      anotherMethod(f = () -> { /* do the work in lambda */});

    Note how we assign the lambda to a temporary variable and then pass the variable to anotherMethod. When J2ObjC sees this pattern, it will correctly make a weak reference to the lambda’s implicitly captured this.
  • Promote anonymous classes to inner classes. Since Java 8, it is possible to create anonymous instances with type annotations. For example: Runnable r = new @Foo Runnable() { … }; For the time being, though, J2ObjC’s @WeakOuter still needs to be backward compatible with Java 7. This means you have to promote your anonymous classes to inner classes, so you can add @WeakOuter to them.
  • Use WeakReference<T> only if you have no choice. Although J2ObjC supports java.lang.WeakReference, it’s best to avoid it. It’s not supported by GWT (as there are no weak references in JavaScript), and it has a performance cost. If you need to wrap a weak reference in something like an Lazy<T> or Optional<T>, consider if you can use @Weak on the outer wrapper instead. Use something like Optional<WeakReference<T>> only if you really have no choice.
  • Only use @RetainedWith as the last-resort tool. Sometimes it is impossible to determine which of the two objects in a retain cycle lives longer. For example, each Guava BiMap has an inverse. They make strong references to each other and you can retain and use either. It is therefore impossible to use @Weak there, and that motivated the introduction of @RetainedWith. It is provided as a “last resort” tool for foundational libraries such as Guava, and you should read its documentation and understand what it does and doesn’t as well as its performance tradeoff before using it.
  • Be careful with Observers. While it’s tempting to make an Observable use a weak reference to its Observer, that can go wrong quickly. If your Observable is the only object that make reference to the Observer (as is often the case in Java: the Observer is usually written as an anonymous class or a lambda), the Observer will then be gone shortly. The correct way is to use a strong reference and call removeObserver(). It is just like managing resource objects (think of files): Observers should be removed just like resource objects should be closed explicitly.
  • Not everything needs the @Weak or @WeakOuter treatment. At this point you may be worried that you have to start adding @Weak and @WeakOuter all over your code base. In fact, only those objects that have cyclic references among them need this treatment. Use the following techniques to help you identify those, especially if you already have a substantial amount of Java code.
  • Use Cycle Finder. J2ObjC provides Cycle Finder, a static analysis tool that finds potential reference cycles in your code. Use this as a guide, whitelist the cycles that don’t actually exist, and consider making it run as part of your continuous build process.
  • Familiarize yourself with Xcode’s Instruments, especially the Leaks and Allocation instruments. The Leaks instrument finds obvious retain cycles that are usually easy to fix. If it does report a list of leaked objects, we recommend you start from those found in your namespace. This is because when an object leaks memory, it also leaks the objects it retains. So when an object in your application leaks, you’ll often see J2ObjC objects (such as HashMaps) also leaking, and focusing on those library objects will lead you to a dead end (it’s very unlikely that they leak). You should also use the Allocation instrument for the ground truth. Although the Leaks instrument has become better over the years, there are limits to what it can find. If you have a complex object graph, compare the stats in Allocation before constructing and after tearing down the graph to make sure that all objects involved are no longer resident.
If you plan ahead and use the tools and techniques above, it is possible to make your cross-platform Java code fit nicely in a reference-counting environment. Effective memory management has positive impact to application quality and user experience, and is therefore worth your attention and investment.

For a detailed discussion, check out J2ObjC’s documentation on Memory Management and Memory Model.


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